Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 773
Annual Return Start: 01 Feb 2003
Annual Return End: 31 Jan 2004
Date Received: 17 Feb 2004
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L2.2 Exceeding load limits for Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus and Oil and Grease. N/A 1
M6.1(a) To periods where discharge monitoring at EPA Point No. 1 was not undertaken due to the computer being out of Service and hit by lightening. A backup computer has now been purchased. N/A 14
L4.1 Discharge volume monitoring metre (Point 1) has identified 50 exceedances of the volume limit of 2000KL per day. The licensee considers the metre to be inaccurate due to spider webs formed over the sensor. N/A 50
L3.3 11 exceedances of the 90 percentile pH concentration limit. N/A 11